Static Stretch vs Dynamic Stretch

The proper way to stretch for warm up and cool down When we do any kind of physical activity, it is important to take the time to warm up before and cool down after. Many grew up learning that they should stretch to achieve this, more specifically static stretch. This is where you move a joint as far as it can go and hold it for a few seconds. It feels great, but it is actually not the best thing to do before engaging in physical activity. You actually want to perform dynamic stretches. Dynamic Stretching A dynamic stretch is when [...]

Learn to Run: Foot Strike Pattern

Foot Strike Pattern Foot strike pattern is exactly how it sounds: where on your foot you land when you run. You may have heard that it is more efficient to run on your toes. But is this really the case?  The short answer to the question is no, the long answer is that it is very person-dependent and there are more important factors than just what part of your foot hits the ground first. Some of the top distance runners in the world land with the heels hitting the ground first. Research has also shown that there is no difference in [...]

Learn-to-Run: Rating Of Perceived Exertion

Rating of Perceived Exertion I didn't know what rating of perceived exertion was when I began running, and I wish I had. Whenever I attempted to try running previously, my biggest struggle about it was that that as soon as I start running, I got out of breath very quickly and was unable to continue for very long. And I immediately felt like it was too hard and got very discouraged. As someone who learned to run later in my life, and actually took the time to build up overtime, I found out that it has nothing to do with being [...]

How Can I Improve My Sleep?

Improve Sleep: Getting The Most Out Of A Night's Rest We can often take sleep and rest for granted. At times, everyone could do some things to improve sleep. Sleep plays a vital role in our mental and physical health and is necessary for overall well-being. Contrary to many beliefs, the body is not resting while you are sleeping. The body and brain are quite active during sleep trying to restore itself and maintain good health. Deficiencies in sleep can lead to increased risk of mental health problems, obesity, heart disease, and more. Improving sleep by getting enough sleep and quality [...]

Why Do I Need A Chiropractic Re-Evaluation?

The Re-Evaluation Appointment  What is a Re-Evaluation?  A chiropractic re-evaluation for existing patients, also known as a re-examination, is an examination to determine the progress of your condition or to assess a new concern. It includes a detailed history, physical examination including a neurological, functional, and orthopedic assessment, and a treatment if clinically indicated. The re-evaluation is 45-60 minutes in length.  What is the Purpose of a Chiropractic Re-evaluation?  The purpose of a re-evaluation is to determine if the treatment plan is meeting your goals and if progress is being made. This allows the chiropractor to make any necessary changes to [...]

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