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Downtown Toronto Chiropractic Rehabilitation
Rehabilitation is one of the most important aspects of the chiropractic encounter. Chiropractic treatments can help provide temporary relief by affecting the joints, however, when combined with rehab, the body is functioning optimally, and thus re-injury and recurrence is much lower. It is a progressive, dynamic, goal-oriented exercise program that is tailored to the patient and their specific needs and goals. The patients’ impairments, functional limitations, and disability are all considered in coming up with a plan that will work best for the patient. Education and work conditioning can also be employed to help the patient achieve optimal quality of life.
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Below is an excerpt from a published article found on dynamicchiropractic.ca:
“Chiropractic rehabilitation embraces a continuum of care integrating passive and active treatments. Manipulation is pivotal as it has demonstrated superiority over other methods for providing pain relief, reducing activity intolerances and increasing patient satisfaction.9 There is however a danger of overutilization and escalating costs.10 By applying the modern principles of a biopsychosocial approach, quality assurance is within the grasp of chiropractic. Active care, outcomes management, and early identification of psychosocial risk factors of chronicity are being integrated into a revolutionary new paradigm of care.
Chiropractic rehabilitation specialists learn new skills for assessing and treating myofascial, motor control, and strength dysfunctions. Post-isometric relaxation, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation, propriosensory, spinal stabilization, and strength/endurance protocols are all core techniques which define the minimum competencies of a rehabilitation practitioner.11 New thinking about functional restoration indicates that motor control should not be ignored in muscle strengthening programs. Janda has shown that predictable muscle imbalances develop with the overuse of postural (anti-gravity) muscles in our largely sedentary society. Certain muscles like the upper trapezius, sternocleidomastoid, quadratus lumborum, and iliopsoas become overactivated and may eventually shorten and lose endurance. Other muscles which work under dynamic situations tend to become inhibited and eventually weaken from disuse. Examples include the lower fixators of the scapulae (lower and middle trapezius, serratus anterior), gluteus medius (stabilizer of the hip during stance phase of gait), and the multifidus (segmental spinal stabilizer). Specific programs have been developed which enhance spinal stability.14-17 These focus on improving motor control, in particular speed of contraction, coordination, and endurance of stabilizers.
Decreased static back extension muscle endurance has been discovered to be a predictor of first time and recurrent episodes of lower back pain. In particular, it has been found that the multifidus is primarily responsible for this lost endurance. Acute patients respond especially well to the McKenzie system of exercise which typically incorporates extension exercises. Chronic patients have been found to have a decreased extensor to flexor muscle strength endurance ratio and to respond favorably to both expensive high-tech back strengthening programs, as well as less costly low-tech approaches.
The goal of rehabilitation is to improve the effectiveness of chiropractic adjustments so as to achieve a positive effect on the entire locomotor system. By finding the key muscle imbalances adjustments last longer and go easier. Appropriate exercises should not hurt, but should instead be performed in the “functional range,” which is painless and appropriate for the task at hand. In fact the ideal exercises achieve a maximum contraction of all a muscle’s motor units while minimizing the strain on osteoligamentous structures. By combining expert delivery of passive and active care, along with outcomes management, chiropractors are positioning themselves as the benchmark providers for cost-effective yet high quality neuromusculoskeletal health care.”
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Get in touch: 2 Carlton St., Suite 1306 Toronto.
Call: 416-660-9932
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