Project Description

Advanced Spine Care at Back In Balance Clinic

Rapid Access Clinics for Low Back Pain

Dr. Matthew Serrick, chiropractor at Back In Balance Clinic, has special training to deliver advanced spine care. He holds a position as an Advanced Practice Provider through Unity Health at St. Michael’s Hospital and is a part of the Rapid Access Clinic system (RAC) for Low Back Pain.

The RAC Low Back Pain program, previously known as ISAEC, is an upstream, innovative and proactive shared-care model. It provides patients with advanced spine care low back pain assessments quickly, averaging less than four weeks, along with education and evidence-based self-management plans. This initiative aims to reduce the incidence of chronic low back pain, minimize unnecessary diagnostic imaging, and limit unwarranted specialist referrals.

Launched in April 2018, the program is being implemented across Ontario in phases, aligning with the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care’s vision for enhanced musculoskeletal care.

Participation in the program requires that patients are referred by a family doctor or primary care nurse practitioner who is enrolled in the program.

The RAC Low Back Pain program is funded by the Government of Ontario, meaning that OHIP covers these visits.Advanced Spine Care

Family Doctors Can Enroll in the RAC Program

In order to be eligible for the program, your family doctor must be enrolled. Check with your family doctor to see if they are enrolled. They can do so HERE

Once enrolled, they can initiate a referral to an Advanced Practice Provider. Patients referred to this program are geo-matched to the closest clinic to where they live, removing barriers of transportation and other factors to getting the assessment.

Advanced Spine Care RAC Assessment and Intake

The initial RAC assessment is usually about one hour, and is performed by an advanced practice physiotherapist/chiropractor who has been trained to provide specialist spine assessment & management recommendations. A plan of care will be determined based on your specific condition. Please note that no hands-on treatment is provided. Advice is given on conservative care (for example the right medications, right dosages, exercise prescription, & education about your condition). If you need imaging, spinal injections on referral to a surgeon, this will be expedited, and you will ultimately receive the right care much faster.

Patients can download their intake forms HERE

Exercises for specific spinal conditions can be found HERE